martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

Janice Hathaway: “Fluid solaris”

Ya fue inaugurada la exposición de Janice Hathaway en la Fundación Eugenio Granell. Reproducimos el texto de prensa sobre la misma:
“The surrealist expression of Janice Hathaway seeks a transformation of her photography from reality into surreality. She uses free association and automatic image combinations that evolve into concepts that reflect object lessons in the spirit of Magritte. Janice Hathaway’s approach expands the surrealist method of cutting and pasting by using the tools of Photoshop: selecting, masking and painting with a digital stylus. Her goal is to convey through this combination of photography and digital tools the relationship between nature and culture, handwork and technology, the Marvelous and the everyday”.