martes, 7 de enero de 2020

Rik Lina: homenajes

El año comienza con esta exposición de Rik Lina en Amsterdam.

Rik Lina, Copa Degas, 1983

“My homages and tributes to admirable ancestors are no exercises in style. They are in the first place travels of discovery in a parallel universe where ancestors - painters, poets, musicians - wander about, restless, ghostlike, elusively alluring, and always striking in alarming way. Such as Odilon Redon, his flower-bouquets mirror in my coral reef paintings, recognizing his lithographic black during night dives by the new moon. Or the meeting with Loplop Bird when I - too shy to offer my hand - pinched his photograph from the press-table in his retrospective in Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 50 years ago... it is still hanging in my studio. Hercules Seghers, neighbor in the Amsterdam Jordaan-district, wandering with me in the Sahara, Sinaï and Atacama Chinese, Japanese and Arabic is true all these impressions defined my technique or acted as temporary anchorage in the boundless ocean of painting. Max Ernst’s Elephant of Celebes became my Elephant of Sulawesi, Vincent van Gogh’s Potato Eaters became my Potato Head Blues, literal origin from my octopus of styles for which I still am looking for trousers”. 


De Rik Lina aportamos seguidamente un documento en que se muestran sus trabajos con poetas (Laurens Vancrevel, Mário Cesariny, Édouard Jaguer, Alain-Pierre Pillet, Ted Joans, Peter Wood, Miguel de Carvalho, Sergio Lima, Raúl Henao, Allan Graubard, Will Alexander, etc.), y a la vez aprovechamos para dar a conocer las actividades durante 2019 con sus amigos del colectivo automatista de Amsterdam, incluido un homenaje a Pierre Alechinsky entre él y Jan Gilliam.
together with the poets
capa 2019


Y, como primicia, adelantamos la publicación de este libro, nueva colaboración con Allan Graubard: