martes, 7 de mayo de 2019

Dan Stanciu, Omar Castillo, “Soapbox”, &c

Este flamante libro de poemas de Dan Stanciu puede traducirse por Acerca de, o Sobre. Edita Herg Benet, donde ya aparecieron dos publicaciones señaladas aquí, una sobre Gellu Naum y otra del propio Dan Stanciu en una de sus espléndidas colaboraciones con Sasha Vlad:
Damos la traducción inglesa de una de las prosas que lo componen:

About the Lost Path of Evocation

There was a time (which was not yet called time, for it didn't have a content that you could weigh), when numbers were a rarity. Back then, there was more evocation than prospecting. And, in order to evoke, you didn't need 2, 3 was useless, you could ignore 85, and the damaging help of 406, and also the not always simple advice of some thousands. You could evoke All Kinds sitting down in a sliding, and All Kinds would come in a hurry to listen to you from wherever they would happen to hear your call. You could ask anything of them, such as to turn some worthless secrets inside out, to continually counter-ask, to stir up unrest amongst the plebs. And All Kinds would do your bidding, and the inert plebs would unrest, and the questions would struggle bitterly until one of them conceded defeat, and the secrets that were known to all would recover their hiding place. That's how it pretty much was in the beginning, before the evokers were pushed aside by the prospectors and the world set out to count.

Dan Stanciu, por Alix Vrana


Omar Castillo dedica en la prensa colombiana un excelente trabajo al centenario del surrealismo, pasando revista a la proyección surrealista en Colombia, evidentemente con alusión a ese poeta extraordinario que es Raúl Henao:


Siempre aportan novedades de interés las triples entregas de Soapbox:

The Oystercatcher acaba de publicar su número 16. Lástima la escasa difusión de esta importante revista del surrealismo hoy.


Le Grand Tamanoir y La Doctrine de Ginebra editan una caja con 40 dibujos recientes de Christian d’Orgeix: